Building Real-time APIs with WebSockets and Tools

In today’s digital world, real-time communication is more important than ever. From chat applications to live updates in games and stock trading platforms, real-time communication is the key ingredient of almost every next app. And that’s where WebSockets protocol comes into play, offering a way to build real-time applications efficiently.  In this blog, we’ll explore […]

Methods for Scaling Databases in the Cloud

Ever wondered how to make your database handle more data or users? Just like a growing business needs a bigger office, a growing database needs more space and power. Welcome to our guide on scaling databases in the cloud! You’ll learn about the different methods of database scaling like vertical and horizontal scaling, database sharding, load […]

7 Mobile App Monetization Strategies to Consider for Maximized App Revenue

Have you ever wondered how mobile apps manage to be profitable, especially when so many of them are free to download?  In the fast-paced and competitive world of app development, finding effective mobile app monetization strategies is crucial for success. With a multitude of apps fighting for user attention, you as a developer need to […]